Welcome to my website. I’m glad you’re here. In the menu to the right are articles, essays and poems. Just click on a title or a category to see more. The flower garden contains other people’s stories of coping with their struggles in life. For an overview, click on the flower garden page. For individual stories, click on the flower garden category to the right. Below, I’ve added links and brief descriptions for each of the pages. If you’d like to know my own struggles of reaching for hope against the odds, click on my podcast or my book.
Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome a Mental Illness?
Lying in a hospital bed is a vulnerable place. When what I was told didn’t match the reality, my mind was left in turmoil. Should I believe what they were telling me? As I studied about ME/CFS, I began to realize that I could test the varying views against what I had learned in church. Matthew 7:20 says, “by their fruits ye shall know them.” https://danicehope.com/me-cfs/is-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-a-mental-illness/

My Book
Danice Hope suffered each winter with seasonal affective disorder. Gathering all the courage she had, she moved south to improve her health. But to her dismay, she developed new health problems. Stunned at the loss of her dreams, she struggled to balance her health and to trust in the Savior’s ability to bring hope and renewal.
My book is available at bookstores around the world. Read more and find many store links here.
The Flower Garden
Like each individual flower, we are each beautiful, valued and unique in our own way. We each are needed in all our variety and abilities.
Many have shared their stories to help us in our own struggles. The Flower Garden page has some of my thoughts and links to others’ websites.

Seasonal Affective Disorder
In the early 1980’s, Norman E. Rosenthal and others at the National Institute of Mental Health investigated the possibility that depression could have a seasonal pattern. They were surprised to get thousands of responses to an article about it.
Learn about seasonal affective disorder. There are links to more information, light therapy, and articles to help cope.
What is myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome? Read short definitions and its history. Also, find links to the best ME/CFS libraries, definitions, resources, and more.

ME/CFS Links
For more information about ME/CFS, I’ve put together a new page of links. Click here for coping tips, resources, history and definitions, and shopping.
Dysautonomia is a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. There are various kinds, including postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and neurally mediated hypotension which are both common in those with ME/CFS. Read more.