ME/CFS, Orthostatic Tachycardia

Review of Primal Trust

I read a book called “How Healing Happens: Brain Retraining, Nervous System Somatic Healing and True Self-Discovery” by Cathleen King, DPT. It’s the introductory book to It’s an interesting mix of false tradition and good tradition. Science and ignoring illness-specific science. I found that it set off traumas that I have suffered in the past because of common prejudices against ME and POTS. I’ve so often been told that I could magically heal if I just try hard enough. I’ve been mistreated by many who think that it’s my fault somehow that I’m ill.

Some of the potentially harmful parts include their belief that ME and similar illnesses are caused by trauma. Science shows that most cases of ME start with an infection. The book says that if you’re not healing by their methods that you need to dive deeper and find what’s blocking progress. They say that you might have a subconscious desire to remain sick. They believe that anyone’s body can heal from these illnesses by healing past trauma.

Many of my past traumas came as a result of having misunderstood illnesses and from having people trying to twist my illness around to fit the traditions they were taught.

In the book, they acknowledge that infections can contribute to these illnesses, but they think the body should be able to heal naturally. They don’t acknowledge modern research, such as having genetic problems. For example, having trouble methylating the B vitamins. If the body can’t process nutrients as it should, it’s a problem.

If your child has an infection, wouldn’t you go to a doctor to properly diagnose and treat that illness? Would you blame your child for not being able to heal on their own? Would you look for reasons why your child might want to stay sick and to take advantage of their parents’ care? Yet that is the tradition surrounding ME and similar illnesses.

I do however agree that healing from past traumas can help our health overall. The immune and nervous systems work better if they’re not overwhelmed. They use useful tools such as mindfulness, yoga, and writing in a journal. They talk about learning to see past traumas objectively through an adult perspective, breathing, listening to your body’s needs, brain retraining, and honoring your true self/inner child. Learning to relax the nervous system is helpful. These things are useful if used appropriately.

I just don’t agree that these are the underlying causes of these illnesses. I’ve used many of these methods over the years. They have given me a better quality of life, and a better attitude in general. But none of these things have healed ME or POTS for me.

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